Finished this sunflower about 2 weeks ago. Patinaed the sunflower to black using the directions on the patina bottle. Pretty straight forward process. Pour a little into a cup to not contaminate the the bottle. I use a q-tip to apply the patina to the solder. The solder will start turning brassy black. Eventually it will turn a shiny black. If it does not turn black and is staying brassy, so another pass with the q-tip with patina. Remove excess with a microfiber cloth. Let dry overnight. For the two pieces that I have patinaed so far, I have let them dry for 24 or more hours.
Once dried overnight or 24 hours, I apply a liquid carnauba wax. Spray on, let sit for a bit, gently wipe off with a microfiber cloth. This will make the patinaed solder shine and also makes the glass sparkle.