This is my first piece of stained glass that I patinaed as a learning piece on how to do it. As I have a 85 piece butterfly that I am wanting to patina so it will be black lines like a real butterfly would be an not shiny lines. I will have one more piece to patina before doing the butterfly, will just need to come back to see what the piece will look like when patinaed.
The process to patina is pretty straight forward. Just a bit time consuming. The piece must be cleaned very well and dried. It is best to patina within a day or two of when the piece is completely soldered. Fresh solder is best for this process. Then apply the patina solution, in this case will make solder black, with a non-metal brush or q-tip. Let solution dry, but also keep it off the glass as much as possible so that it will not etch or stain the glass. Wipe of access of the patina solution to avoid etching or staining of the glass. Let patina dry for a day, then apply a wax, a liquid carnauba wax will work. You do not want to use polish on patinaed pieces as that will remove/scratch the patina.
Everyone has a different way to patina and their own process. I will try a different slightly different process for my next piece and see how that turns out. I will report on that once that piece is completed and share what I learned and if it worked any better. The above process is what the bottle indicated. I plan to throw in a light wash of the piece after the patina to remove the patina solution after everything has been patinaed.