Again, much like the Toyo glass cutter, I did a lot of research on grinders. The studio that I do fused glass, they have a few of the Gryphon Gryphette Glass Grinders. It is a small grinder for small work spaces. Don’t let the small size deter you from this grinder. I have had this grinder for five years so far and still going. It adjusted the grinding bit once so far to a new section and grinding like new again.
The have replaced the grinder bed once as it got all cut up from glass. This was a minimal cost to replace the bed. I also purchased the eye guard at the beginning. I still wear safety glasses with this guard in place.
There is a sponge that feeds the grinding bit to keep it cool. All grinders has some type of water delivery system. Some are sponge, some gravity, others have a pump. I find that the sponge fed works well and just seems like less to go wrong like with a pump or gravity fed system that will require constant checking of the water to make sure it is flowing.
Once this grinder goes out, ultimately when the motor dies, I will be looking at a bigger grinder for my workspace. Would like a bigger work surface as I do find the Gryphette a litle small from some lager pieces that need grinding.